12:00 - 12:45

DevOps Enablement Expert with hands-on experience throughout the software development lifecycle - from design and development up to deployment, marketing and customer support. High expertise in designing and implementing Continuous Delivery for large-scale projects. Extensive experience building and managing infrastructure and DevOps teams.
- Deep understanding of Continuous Integration and Delivery processes.
- Proven IT business management skills.
- Focus on process improvement and optimization, making software businesses more efficient.
- Helping IT managers and CTOs drive cross-the-board DevOps transformation.
Internationally acclaimed speaker and trainer. Delivered talks and keynotes at: DevConTLV, DevOpsDays TLV and Moscow, DevOpsCon München,DevOpsPro Vilnius, DockerCon and Continuous Lifecycle London.
Specialties: DevOps, software delivery, process automation, continuous delivery, effective collaboration, Developer relations, technological evangelism.
Talk: How Did We Get Ourselves into this Mesh? Inspecting the Service Mesh Landscape
Service meshes are all the buzz in the cloud native world. Let's get right into the mesh!
In this talk we will use [Meshery] (http://meshery.io) - the open-source service-mesh playground in order to install and run 3 leading service mesh solutions (Istio, Linkerd and Consul Connect) on a kubernetes cluster.
We will then see how each mesh provides us the basic expected functionality of reliability, security, observability and traffic splitting when connecting our microservices.
We will also see how we can benchmark different mesh solution performance using Meshery.
Finally we will discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by different service mesh implementations and the surrounding ecosystem.
The tutorial will be based on Otomato's experience with implementing service mesh in the last year and on the research performed by meshery.io and layer5.io comunities.