12:00 - 12:45


juergen dt
Technology Strategist


Jürgen has been a core contributor to the Keptn open-source project and responsible for the strategy and integration of self-healing techniques and tools into the Keptn framework. He also loves to share his experience, most recently at conferences on Kubernetes based technologies and automation

Talk: Fortifying progressive delivery with automated quality gates based on SRE best-practices

Robust CI/CD pipelines are crucial for delivering your applications at high velocity and quality. Progressive delivery methods such as blue/green deployments and canary releases have become popular to control the release of new software. Unfortunately, setting up quality gates to control the promotion of your services between environments is often a manual task. Join us in this session to learn how to use the open-source framework Keptn to enable automated quality gates for your applications using Prometheus data.
You will learn 1) how to define quality gates in terms of service-level objectives, 2) how to integrate quality gates in your existing pipelines to prevent bad code changes reaching production, and 3) how to ease operation of your applications by putting mitigation actions in place as counteractions for Prometheus alerts.